Saturday, March 31, 2012

Day One Prep

This took me about two hours, but Roman was helping me take the pictures amidst chopping etc. I imagine without taking pictures it would have been an hour and fifteen minutes or so. Cooking, portioning, packing up and all.

Antioxidant Smoothie, which is so simple that it doesn't warrant pictures.

I will be taking mine with me to work. I also packed a small container of nuts and another fruit smoothie. Roman will be at home tomorrow, but I prepared his in the same containers for consistency and solidarity. ;)

This recipe was pretty easy to handle. The best way to tackle any recipe is to first gather everything you need, measure and chop it all accordingly before cooking. 


It smelled delicious in the kitchen while it simmered. Once the vegetables and apple were tender, I let it cool and blended it in batches. Divided it up between two glass dishes for each of us and froze the remaining two servings for later in the week.

We couldn't find Delicata Squash, so I used the rest of the Butternut Squash. 14 minutes of steaming, then mixed together the red cabbage and red onion. I also added spinach and green cabbage that we had in the fridge.

Separate containers for Roman and I, the little one in the front in Tahini sauce for both of our salads. This is the entire recipe which is supposed to be four servings, but for dinner I feel this is just fine. :D 

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