Sunday, April 1, 2012

Day One Recap/ Day Two Prep

Today was fairly tough. I worked an eight hour shift during which my coworkers ate falafel burritos. Oh, the temptation. I ate all of my soup and all of my snacks as well as five glasses of water. I definitely felt a few hunger pains throughout the day, but kept to the plan.

Our meals today were overall pretty tasty. The Antioxidant Smoothie for breakfast was a bit tart, but yummy. The Butternut Squash and Apple Soup for lunch was very tasty! I was glad there was some chunks of squash which didn't get blended. The Steamed Broccoli and Squash with Tahini Sauce was tasty. We felt it needed something, we added lemon juice and then I added some sunflower seeds as well. The recipe is for four portions, but we ate most of it.

Day Two prep for hasn't been too tough...


On the left in the picture is our blender full of the smoothie ingredients. I blended it up tonight and put it in the fridge for the morning. Easy Peasy!
Incredibly easy to make! Lots of seeds look yummy! 

Lunch all prepped and ready to go!
Roman is making our dinner for tomorrow as I type! Roasted Garlic and Beet Soup! The beets and garlic have been roasting for an hour and it smells so yummy in this house! When the beets are soft, they will get blended up with leeks, thyme and some other spices.  I am looking forward to our green smoothie in the morning! Update tomorrow night! :D

I will sign off tonight with a picture of our baby boy, Minion "helping" stock the fridge.

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