Saturday, April 7, 2012

Day 7!!!

We made it to the final day of week 7!

Yesterday for lunch, we had a Sweet Potato, Celery, Apple Salad.  It was a very easy salad to make and very fresh and tasty.

Here's the bad news: while slicing the sweet potato on our brand new mandolin, I idiotically sliced a chunk of my pinky off! I thought the potato was big enough so I didn't need the guard, silly me. So, after needing hubby's help to wash up and dress, I realized I could not work in this state! I couldn't shower and dress let alone shampoo, cut and style my client's hair for six hours! Accidents like this are so frustrating, especially when it's Easter weekend and I knew it would have been profitable at the shop. After calling in to work I made a doctor's appointment to get it cleaned up and most importantly obtain a doctor's note for work. Now I have the whole weekend off. (not good)

After such a stressful morning I was more than ready to throw in the towel!! We persevered though, mostly. We had an early dinner at Gracias Madre. It's an organic vegetarian/vegan restaurant in the Mission. ^..^

So we fell a bit off of the strict wagon, but we stayed vegan and organic. Not so much gluten free though. Ah well, we deserved it? lol.

This morning, I made a spinach, apple, strawberry and pear juice smoothie. Tasty. Back on the wagon we go!

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