Thursday, April 12, 2012

Week 2, Day 5

Feeling good. Aside from my pinky missing a chunk. Hubby is hungry in the mornings now which he never was before, so that's great. I haven't felt very bogged down and my digestion has been in top shape.

This week, we are able to add fish, tofu and lentils. 

We have been repeating some of the recipes from last week and adding the following recipes:

Not much of a Bok Choy fan, but the salmon was great as was the salsa. Anything with avocado will get my vote.

Hubby prepared this one. So nice to get home from work to dinner being made. Trout is a nice fish, not too fishy.

This salad was so tasty! Beans were a welcome addition!!

These were super simple, took an hour to bake though. No biggie, put them in the oven then prepped the citrus and made lunch for the next day which was the Strawberry, Fennel, & Orange Salad from last week. I put together Hubby's lunch and he took it to school with him!! 

This week hasn't been too bad. I went to Whole Foods and picked up some gluten free, dairy free snacks too. Cereal, crackers, hummus, and some Almond Dream ice cream. 

Oh!, I believe we like Soy Milk better than Almond Milk. Both are tasty and after the challenge, we are sticking to it.

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