Thursday, April 12, 2012

Week 2, Day 5

Feeling good. Aside from my pinky missing a chunk. Hubby is hungry in the mornings now which he never was before, so that's great. I haven't felt very bogged down and my digestion has been in top shape.

This week, we are able to add fish, tofu and lentils. 

We have been repeating some of the recipes from last week and adding the following recipes:

Not much of a Bok Choy fan, but the salmon was great as was the salsa. Anything with avocado will get my vote.

Hubby prepared this one. So nice to get home from work to dinner being made. Trout is a nice fish, not too fishy.

This salad was so tasty! Beans were a welcome addition!!

These were super simple, took an hour to bake though. No biggie, put them in the oven then prepped the citrus and made lunch for the next day which was the Strawberry, Fennel, & Orange Salad from last week. I put together Hubby's lunch and he took it to school with him!! 

This week hasn't been too bad. I went to Whole Foods and picked up some gluten free, dairy free snacks too. Cereal, crackers, hummus, and some Almond Dream ice cream. 

Oh!, I believe we like Soy Milk better than Almond Milk. Both are tasty and after the challenge, we are sticking to it.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Day 7!!!

We made it to the final day of week 7!

Yesterday for lunch, we had a Sweet Potato, Celery, Apple Salad.  It was a very easy salad to make and very fresh and tasty.

Here's the bad news: while slicing the sweet potato on our brand new mandolin, I idiotically sliced a chunk of my pinky off! I thought the potato was big enough so I didn't need the guard, silly me. So, after needing hubby's help to wash up and dress, I realized I could not work in this state! I couldn't shower and dress let alone shampoo, cut and style my client's hair for six hours! Accidents like this are so frustrating, especially when it's Easter weekend and I knew it would have been profitable at the shop. After calling in to work I made a doctor's appointment to get it cleaned up and most importantly obtain a doctor's note for work. Now I have the whole weekend off. (not good)

After such a stressful morning I was more than ready to throw in the towel!! We persevered though, mostly. We had an early dinner at Gracias Madre. It's an organic vegetarian/vegan restaurant in the Mission. ^..^

So we fell a bit off of the strict wagon, but we stayed vegan and organic. Not so much gluten free though. Ah well, we deserved it? lol.

This morning, I made a spinach, apple, strawberry and pear juice smoothie. Tasty. Back on the wagon we go!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The evening of day 5

This day has been rough! Our bodies feel so weak! We have been eating large portions and snacking on fruits, berries, nuts, and smoothies throughout the week in addition to our planned meals. Even so, we are sore everywhere. We took a nap this afternoon and boy did we need it! Our digestive system is definitely clearing out toxins to say the least. I do still feel like I am getting sick, so I have been drinking EmergenC.

This afternoon, we had 30 Clove Garlic Soup. It was very easy to make and was very delicious. I spooned out the chunks of potato before blending the rest so we would have some textural difference. Brilliant idea. :D We omitted the parmesan and didn't eat any bread.

For dinner, I improvised a bit. I found a great recipe for Creamy Vegan Mashed Potatoes! They were so yummy. I also made a gravy, I found a video online somewhere. I did cheat a bit and used a tablespoon on flour in the gravy. It was vegetable broth, flour, garlic, thyme, and olive oil. I also blanched a ton of asparagus. Very yummy. Roman really enjoyed tonight's dinner.

Two more days until we can finally eat some quinoa and salmon! Can't wait. Hopefully I will have enough energy to get back to my workouts.

Day 5

Along with still feeling achy all over, I have a sore throat. Miewp. 

I have taken the pictures below from Whole because it is a pain in the butt to set up the lighting and everything to take my own pictures. Maybe one day when we have a big enough kitchen, we can have an area for food photography. ^..^

I was very close to ordering from Ike's Sandwiches last night, but hubby kept me on track! I'm sure yet if I am glad he did. lol. This week has been tough! I very much look forward to eating quinoa and salmon at least next week! 

Time to write a shopping list for the next few days!

Yesterday we had Cinnamon Poached Apples with Walnuts for a snack, super easy. Very tasty.

For dinner we had Basil, Lemon and Walnut Pesto on Roasted Sweet Potatoes. The recipe called for parsley, but we substituted Basil.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Still keeping up with the program. It has not been easy. This morning we both feel achy in all our muscles. I think our bodies miss protein! I burnt a key ingredient in our lunch yesterday, so made our dinner for lunch and our Wednesday's lunch for dinner. So our meal plan got a bit screwy, but I need to buy groceries for the rest of the week this evening anyhow.

I am proud that we have stuck with it. We are both a bit grumpy and craving bread!

Sincerely looking forward to next week's protein!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Day One Recap/ Day Two Prep

Today was fairly tough. I worked an eight hour shift during which my coworkers ate falafel burritos. Oh, the temptation. I ate all of my soup and all of my snacks as well as five glasses of water. I definitely felt a few hunger pains throughout the day, but kept to the plan.

Our meals today were overall pretty tasty. The Antioxidant Smoothie for breakfast was a bit tart, but yummy. The Butternut Squash and Apple Soup for lunch was very tasty! I was glad there was some chunks of squash which didn't get blended. The Steamed Broccoli and Squash with Tahini Sauce was tasty. We felt it needed something, we added lemon juice and then I added some sunflower seeds as well. The recipe is for four portions, but we ate most of it.

Day Two prep for hasn't been too tough...


On the left in the picture is our blender full of the smoothie ingredients. I blended it up tonight and put it in the fridge for the morning. Easy Peasy!
Incredibly easy to make! Lots of seeds look yummy! 

Lunch all prepped and ready to go!
Roman is making our dinner for tomorrow as I type! Roasted Garlic and Beet Soup! The beets and garlic have been roasting for an hour and it smells so yummy in this house! When the beets are soft, they will get blended up with leeks, thyme and some other spices.  I am looking forward to our green smoothie in the morning! Update tomorrow night! :D

I will sign off tonight with a picture of our baby boy, Minion "helping" stock the fridge.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Day One Prep

This took me about two hours, but Roman was helping me take the pictures amidst chopping etc. I imagine without taking pictures it would have been an hour and fifteen minutes or so. Cooking, portioning, packing up and all.

Antioxidant Smoothie, which is so simple that it doesn't warrant pictures.

I will be taking mine with me to work. I also packed a small container of nuts and another fruit smoothie. Roman will be at home tomorrow, but I prepared his in the same containers for consistency and solidarity. ;)

This recipe was pretty easy to handle. The best way to tackle any recipe is to first gather everything you need, measure and chop it all accordingly before cooking. 


It smelled delicious in the kitchen while it simmered. Once the vegetables and apple were tender, I let it cool and blended it in batches. Divided it up between two glass dishes for each of us and froze the remaining two servings for later in the week.

We couldn't find Delicata Squash, so I used the rest of the Butternut Squash. 14 minutes of steaming, then mixed together the red cabbage and red onion. I also added spinach and green cabbage that we had in the fridge.

Separate containers for Roman and I, the little one in the front in Tahini sauce for both of our salads. This is the entire recipe which is supposed to be four servings, but for dinner I feel this is just fine. :D 

28 Day Mind Body Challenge

Roman and I have begun a challenge. We will be cutting out processed foods, added sugar, dairy, gluten, caffeine and alcohol throughout the challenge. The challenge is taken from the February 2012 issue of Whole Living Magazine. It is broken up into three weeks and a bonus week.

Included in the magazine as well as at are recipes for each week. On the Saturday of each week, I will pick out which recipes we will be consuming for each meal of the day and write them all out on a Weekly Meal Plan chart.

To help keep ourselves dedicated, I made a binder. This process took me about an hour on a Saturday morning and adding to it each Saturday should only take a half hour for the following week.

I made three dividers labeled Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner, into which i added printed copies of all of the challenge recipes (in plastic sleeves). I am proud to have finally came up with a meal planning tool! We have a seperate binder with all of our recipes taken from online or printed by my Mother in law. The challenge recipes will be added to our master recipe folder at the conclusion of the challenge and the new binder will serves as a weekly meal planning tool to which i can add a weeks worth of recipes.

This week's challenge is to "go back to basics with simple meals made only with purifying fruits and vegetables that power both body and mind."

I have chosen this week's recipes and made a shopping list for Sunday though Wednesday. All of the ingredients are fresh so I broke up the grocery store trips in two. Today we went to Whole Foods and spent $150 on mostly fresh produce. I'm sure produce may be more affordable at farmer's markets or using coupons at a cheaper store, but I loved that we didn't have to search for the best items, everything on the shelves at Whole Foods is almost perfect! We also had to pick up a few spices that we didn't have as well as apple cider vinegar, olive oil, and tahini paste, so that wont be an issue later in the week. It felt like a big chunk of change, but then i reminded myself how much we spend in an average week on eating out and that we will feel much better eating fresh and healthy food.

This is all of our produce for the first half of the week. Note that some of these items will also be used later in the week.
Has anyone ever made Kale Chips? Is there a type of Kale that you prefer?

These are the seeds and nuts we need. They are all used for multiple recipes and are going to be great snacks!

So now that we have everything we need to get started, I will prep our meals for tomorrow,

Day One of the Mind Body Challenge!